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March 28-31
Try the "CONNECTING TO SOURCE" Meditation now.
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Recalibrating and Updating Our Chemical and Electrical Systems; Implanting new DNA into these Systems; Experiencing the Earth’s Navel, Brain, and Endocrine System; Identifying the Connections between your Unique Configuration and the Earth: Brain, Thyroid, Pituitary Gland, Pancreas, and Liver; Recalibrating the Earth’s Endocrine and Nervous Systems by Matching them to our Own; Aligning them with the Divine Geometry of the Galaxy (33 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
Raise your vibration instantly; Experience expansion, calm and inner peace; Suspend pain; Connect with your Higher Consciousness, Source and Creator. From the CD Connecting To Source
INVESTMENT: $ 7.00 or € 5.88 add to cart
Experiencing the Creation of New Species and Human DNA; Experiencing the Being of a Melchizedek and the Melchizedek University; Learning by Merging with and Becoming Information; How an Initial Species Formula becomes DNA; How Human DNA forms Strands which are Implanted on Earth Plane; How the number of strands have changed over time; Identifying the number of Strands of our own DNA (32 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
Experiencing the energy of the Divine Father of the Local Universe, his process of integrating the aspects of Creator-Source and then His own aspects within His own Universe; experiencing the energy of another Divine Father of Local Universe # 3 and the energy of His universe. (15:26) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
Merging with the Divine Father and Integrating this Energy into every particle of our Physical Bodies here on Earth; Programming Ourselves to always Experience our Continuous Connection with Divine Father, however we Change our Physical Form; Experiencing complete Integration in this Shape of our Physical Self, Divine Self, and Creator Energy (21 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
Aligning the Physical Body with Divine Form and Formula and Experiencing our Divine and Physical Selves as Perfectly Coherent; Experiencing at the Melchizedek University how to Reconfigure our Formula to Appear as other Types of Being and specifically as a Human; Experiencing Arriving with the Formula at the Earth Grid, our Human family; Reconfiguring the Experience of our Birth on the Earth Plane; Implanting, Physical Body as it develops, Frequencies of Fun, Adventure, and Love and the New, Updated, Divine DNA (29 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
Experiencing Spirit Energy and the Divine Mother; How the Energy Feels and Moves; How it is Distributed in the Galaxy, on the Earth, and in the Human Energy Field; Comparing the Experience of Spirit Energy (“Soul”) and Mind Energy “Consciousness”) in the Human Energy Field; Breathing with the Planet, Galaxy & Universe (17 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 7.00 or € 5.88 add to cart
Experiencing the various divine principles at Source and the principles you are bringing in this current incarnation; experiencing the multi-dimensional time table that fits with your incarnation; Integrating once more the information regarding your incarnation into your human body at birth and through your current life; Speeding the process of remembrance and awakening to your divine work and purpose. (32:38) From the live class Mastering the Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 15.00 or € 12.60 add to cart
Experiencing Physical Energy and the Divine Son; How the Energy Feels, What it Distributes itself, becomes a Galaxy, a Planet, the Earth Grid and Everything in it; How it Connects to and is Distributed in the Human Energy Field; Merging with the Divine Son to Calibrate Energy Field and Physical Cells (21 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 7.00 or € 5.88 add to cart
Guided Meditation on Awakening Your Divine Blueprint - with GERMAN translation. From the live event in Switzerland on 03.01.09
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
Experiencing Your Own Divine DNA and Original Human DNA; the Formulas We Use both to Incarnate and Ascend; Retrieving this Information by Merging with this information from Creator at Source; Experiencing how You were First Created and how it Expands the Consciousness of the Universe; Integrating at the Earth Grid the Formula Required to Incarnate here; Embracing your Human Form and its Continuity with your Original Shape; Programming Cells to Remember this Process and to be here an Instrument of the Divine Father (27 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
This meditation allows you to dowload messages directly from Source / your original essence. You can apply the same meditation to download information from your past / future self or other consciousness entity in the form of words, images, symbolic colors, geometry or text through automatic writing. Simply follow the guidance and enjoy.
Experiencing the Configuration of the New Earth Grid; Its Stage of Completion; the Organization and Feeling of the Three Networks together—Communication, Time/Space, and Transport; Experiencing and Aligning the Physical Brain with each of the New Grid Networks; Recalibrating Entire Physical System with the New Earth Grid (24 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
The Universal Government; The First Temple; Bringing About The New Earth Goovernment: As Above So Below (17:43) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 10.00 add to cart
Practicing reflecting, carrying and embodying the consciousness of Gabriel; Experiencing the divine order / organization through the consciousness of Gabriel; Brief comments by participants about their experience. (21:02) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 12.00 or € 10.08 add to cart
Simply sit in the sacred healing space created by Caroline Cory and the OMnium Healers and experience profound healing through vibrational entrainment. Nothing but your intent to heal is required. You will be guided through the process.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
Simply sit in the sacred healing space created by Caroline Cory and the OMnium Healers and experience profound healing through vibrational entrainment. Nothing but your intent to heal is required. You will be guided through the process.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
Simply sit in the sacred healing space created by Caroline Cory and the OMnium Healers and experience profound healing through vibrational entrainment and various OMnium healing techniques. Nothing but your intent to heal is required. You will be guided through the process. This is a 40 minutes session.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
Simply sit in the sacred healing space created by Caroline Cory and the OMnium Healers and experience profound healing through vibrational entrainment and various OMnium healing techniques. Nothing but your intent to heal is required. You will be guided through the process. This is a 40 minutes session.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
Simply sit in the sacred healing space created by Caroline Cory and the OMnium Healers and experience profound healing through vibrational entrainment and various OMnium healing techniques. Nothing but your intent to heal is required. You will be guided through the process. This is a 40 minutes session.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
Simply sit in the sacred healing space and experience profound healing through vibrational entrainment and various OMnium healing techniques. Nothing but your intent to heal is required. You will be guided through the process. This is a 40 minutes session. In this session: zero point alignment, mind quieting, perfect stillness and solid connection .
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
Simply sit in the sacred healing space and experience profound healing through vibrational entrainment and various OMnium healing techniques. Nothing but your intent to heal is required. You will be guided through the process. This is a 40 minutes session. In this session: brain calibration to the new earth grid, higher frequencies of Source, mind channels alignment with Creator frequency.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
Simply sit in this sacred space and experience profound healing and consciousness expansion. This is a 40mn session. In this session, we align with the galactic configuration and implant new Divine Mother frequency onto the Earth.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
Sit in this sacred space and experience profound healing and consciousness expansion. This is a 40mn session. In this session: you are the planet, the planetary system, the galaxy and the universe.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
Sit back and allow profound healing and universal consciousness expansion through effortless entrainment and other OMnium teachniques. In this session, we realign our physical being with our "Christ" being and bring forth the consciousness of the First Life Architect. (40mn)
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
In this profound healing circle, you are led to integrate the Divine Father's unconditional love deep into your being. You then expand your consciousness to a universal level and align with the zero point of the universe. This expansion allows the integration of multi-dimensional consciousness of the first Creator-Source into your own. Be prepard for a powerful journey.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
In this Healing Circle, we expand to and experience our divine aspect at Source; we bring the divine flow from us at Source to us on Earth; we bring the 7 divine principles into all our paralell aspects that are spread across the universe.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
In this Healing Circle, experience the recalibration of your breathing and pulse patterms to the rythm of the new earth grid, the galactic center and the core of the universe. You then get to reorganize your brain waves to the frequency of the universal brain. Deeply powerful and transformative.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
In this deeply profound Healing Circle, we quiet the mind through zero point alignment, expand to the galactic center and then universal core. From there, we bring in the Multiverse consciousness through breath into our being, into the Earth plane and into the human collective consciousness.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
In this Healing Circle, we calibrate our entire being with the universal library of information that is relevant to Creation, Love, Truth, Purpose of existence and more. Powerful.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
In this session, we connect to the First Creator-Source, then the center of the 7 multiverses. Finally, we bring the connection from Source and the 4 principles of Love, Truth, Beauty, Goodness into the Earth plane. Phenomenal expansion.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
In this Healing Circle, we experience our entire consciousness as a full circuitry that can hold the entire Earth matrix together. We experience our human aspect as the "messenger" and funnel for higher information to pour through onto the Earth plane and humanity. Very empowering.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
In this Healing Circle, you get to experience your body as pure light particles, as the future human, and bring new light and life forms onto the planet. Profound work.
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
Experiencing the process of implanting the Creator Consciousness in the body of Jesus, 12 beings, then 110, beings, then 1100 until the year 2225. (23:30) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
Experiencing the consciousness of a Divine Master currently alive on the Earth today or past; experiencing the consciousness of the human Jesus to clarify the truth behind his being: his level of awakening throughout his life; his true earthly purpose; his awareness of his own “fate”; the truth behind the crucifixion; your individual connection to the human Jesus; releasing all blocks connected to this lifetime. (31:03) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 15.00 or € 12.60 add to cart
Expediting our Awakening Process through the Process of Karmic Integration; Merging with our Original Consciousness at Source to access the Formula that allows us to complete the Human Cycle in this Lifetime; Tracking the Aspects of our Being as We Travel from Source through the Center of this Galaxy and Arrive at the Earth Plane; Integrating all of our past/parallel aspects, including their experiences and mastery, to experience full Divine Consciousness in this Physical Body (25 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
Experiencing the Synchronization of our 12 Physical Systems; Experiencing the Physical Systems of Material Beings in other Dimensional Fields: outside the Venue, on Venus, and on Mars; Experiencing Physical Systems of a Typical Human 225 years in the Future; Experiencing that Human’s Surroundings—Clothing, Furnishing, Transportation, Home (29 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
Caroline will lead this profound healing experience and great cosciousness expansion through the process of merging with the consciousness of various divine universal beings of the highest order. Through vibrational entrainment and other techniques, your human energy field and spectrum will calibrate to the frequency of various magnificient divine beings and the Creator energy. This experience will not only serve to organically release the human expand your consciousness but will open you up to your own divine heritage and spirit family connection. In this session: Galactic Interpreter, Divine Mother as Celestial Guardian, Power Controller of another galaxy, Divine Father-Mother of Universe 34, Universal Messenger of Universe 12 etc.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 20.00 add to cart
In this session, we experence consciousness expansion and spontaneous awakening through the merging with the Divine Assembly of our galaxy, then the Divine Assembly at the Central Universe, the consciousness of the 1st and 2nd Universal Teachers, universe #74, unique types of Universal Messengers and Transporters and finally the universe of our original birth.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
Caroline will lead this profound healing experience and great consciousness expansion through the process of merging with the consciousness of various divine universal beings and the Creator energy. Through vibrational entrainment and other techniques, your human energy field and spectrum will calibrate to the frequency of various magnificent divine beings. This experience will not only serve to organically release the human limitations but it will also open you up to your own divine heritage and spirit family connection. The session will be followed with Q&A and comment sharing time. In this session, we visit Gabriel at the DF and Galactic Center, connect with universe 72 and 68,000, merge with Universal Father at universe 112,000, meet the Divine Mother, a new type of Celestial Guardian and Universal Melchizedek being.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 20.00 add to cart
Caroline will lead this profound healing experience and great consciousness expansion through the process of merging with the consciousness of various divine universal beings and the Creator energy. Through vibrational entrainment and other techniques, your human energy field and spectrum will calibrate to the frequency of various magnificent divine beings. This experience will not only serve to organically release the human limitations but it will also open you up to your own divine heritage and spirit family connection. The session will be followed with Q&A and comment sharing time. In this session, we visit: the Divine Father and your parallel aspect at the Central Universe, the First Melchizedek, the Divine Mother of Universe 37 and The Instrumentalist / Storyteller.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 20.00 add to cart
Caroline will lead this profound healing experience and great consciousness expansion through the process of merging with the consciousness of various divine universal beings and the Creator energy. Through vibrational entrainment and other techniques, your human energy field and spectrum will calibrate to the frequency of various magnificent divine beings. This experience will not only serve to organically release the human limitations but it will also open you up to your own divine heritage and spirit family connection. The session will be followed with Q&A and comment sharing time. In this session: Jesus, Christ Consciousness, Mary, St Germain, Rudolf Steiner, Steve Jobbs, President Obama, Caroline, Maharishi, Michael Jackson.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 20.00 add to cart
Experiencing the Cosmic Mind and Mind Energy—How it is Distributed from the Divine Father through the Galaxies, in our Galaxy, to the Earth, and into our Energy Field and Physical Body; How Creation Occurs and How We Create; Using the Mind Channel to Ask for Something (28 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
Experiencing your True Essence and Parallel Aspects in Incarnate and Spirit form—their Locations, Identities, and your Connection to Them (16 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
Experiencing your connecting to Source; Experiencing the Center of Galaxy, Locations within Galaxy Relevant to You, and the Center of the Universe; Your Connection to the Creator of this Universe; Experiencing Other Universes and Your Connection to them (24 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind.
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
Experiencing the Personalized Aspects of Source—Divine Father, Divine Mother, and Divine Son; Experiencing the Divine Father of this Universe, the Divine Father of the Central Universe, and the Universal Father, How They are Related and Create; Experiencing Infinity and the First Point of Creation (29 min). From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
Connecting with Your Spirit Family; Accessing the Beam of Your Spirit Family; Communicating with a member of Your Spirit Family within the Earth Plane and at the Galactic Center; Merging with Spirit Family at the Center of the Universe and Receiving a Message from Creator about your Spirit Family (21 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
Raise your vibration instantly; Merge with your Higher Consciousness; Retrieve information from your Higher Consciousness; Experience expansion and proper alignment with Source. From the CD Connecting To Source
INVESTMENT: $ 7.00 or € 5.88 add to cart
Experiencing the Pentagonal and Hexagonal Structures of our Energy Fields; Using the Transport Grid System to Experience the Pyramids of Giza (Egypt), Mt. Kailash (Tibet), and the Module Site (Spain); Using the Time/Space Grid System to Experience the Last Supper, the Mayan’s Discovery of 2012, the Moment when the New Earth Grid is Complete, and the Year 2035 (31 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 10.00 or € 8.40 add to cart
Experiencing the various types of beings; Experiencing your own type of being, the energy you are bringing through and the energy that is now guiding you. (22mn) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 12.00 or € 10.08 add to cart
Accepting unconditional love in your being and heart; experiencing the energy of the Universal Father. (13:58) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 5.00 or € 4.20 add to cart
Restoring our Physical Cells and Systems through Zero Point Calibration and Experiencing the true Divine Geometry of our Physical Form; Healing Discrete Organ by Being its Zero Point and from there adjusting the Chemical Components, Proportions, Spin, and Cycles of its cells; Implanting the Frequency of the Divine Son and all 7 Principles; Recalibration of Physical Body from the Zero Point of Body; Matching the Newly Calibrated Body with the Solar System, Galaxy, and Universe in Perfect Coherence (41 min) From the live class Mastering The Human Mind
INVESTMENT: $ 12.00 or € 10.08 add to cart