SIGN UP for the
March 28-31
Day 1
1. (1.24) The Purpose and Design of the Course; Activating the Mind Channels; the Process of Awakening as Learning the “Rules of the Game”; the Question of Authority; Experience vs. Knowledge; What to Expect from the Process of this Course
2. (1.27) Where and What Source is; the Process of Original Creation; the Quality of Infinity; the Three Fundamental Forms of Energy: Mind, Spirit, and Physical, Universal Organization, the Local Universe, Why Connecting to Source is Only a Matter of Awareness
3. (.24) Guided Meditation: Connecting to Source; Experiencing the Center of Galaxy, Locations within Galaxy Relevant to You, and the Center of the Universe; Your Connection to the Creator of this Universe; Experiencing Other Universes and Your Connection to them
4. (.25) Discussion of Guided Meditation
5. (.43) Introduction to the Personalized Aspects of Source: Divine Father, Divine Mother, and Divine Son; the Planetary and Galactic Alignment with Source and Path of Connecting to Source; Orion as past Gateway to Source and how this has Changed; how Energy Distribution and Significant Locations have changed on the Earth
6. (.29) Guided Meditation: Experiencing the Personalized Aspects of Source—Divine Father, Divine Mother, and Divine Son; Experiencing the Divine Father of this Universe, the Divine Father of the Central Universe, and the Universal Father, How They are Related and Create; Experiencing Infinity and the First Point of Creation
7. (.38) Discussion of Guided Meditation
Day 2
1. (1.41) Q&A about Experiencing Infinity, the Value of Merging/Being vs. Seeing/Visualizing in Meditations; Energy as Vibration and Form of Existence; Infinite Potential and the Cosmic Mind; Introduction to Universal Mind Energy (the Energy of the Universal Father)—its Qualities, Purpose, and Distribution through the Universe and in the Human Body; the Three Mind Channels—Planetary, Galactic, and Universal; Human Misperceptions about Hierarchy, Free Will, and Potential
2. (.28) Guided Meditation: Experiencing the Cosmic Mind and Mind Energy—How it is Distributed from the Divine Father through the Galaxies, in our Galaxy, to the Earth, and into our Energy Field and Physical Body; How Creation Occurs and How We Create; Using the Mind Channel to Ask for Something
3. (.21) Discussion of Guided Meditation
4. (.25) Introduction to Spirit Energy (the Energy of the Universal Mother)—its Qualities, Purpose, and Distribution; How it Moves as a Breath, a Rhythm, to Sustain and Connect all Life and Holds it in Coherence; What Information it Carries
5. (.17) Guided Meditation: Experiencing Spirit Energy and the Divine Mother; How the Energy Feels and Moves; How it is Distributed in the Galaxy, on the Earth, and in the Human Energy Field; Comparing the Experience of Spirit Energy (“Soul”) and Mind Energy “Consciousness”) in the Human Energy Field; Breathing with the Planet, Galaxy & Universe
6. (.19) Discussion of Guided Meditation
7. (1.10) Q&A about Diet, Effect of Food on Energy Field; Introduction to Physical Energy (the Energy of the Universal Son)—its Qualities, Purpose, and Distribution; How it Creates Physical Reality through Cosmic Gravity and Grid System; How Forms Are Created in Coherence and Proportion with Ability to Self-Organize, Self-Manage, Self-Calibrate, and Self-Renew; How all Physical Forms have Particular Shapes and are Infinite; How a Goal of Incarnation is to Master a Particular Physical Form, to Bring it into Perfect Coherence with our Essential Shape
8. (.21) Guided Meditation: Experiencing Physical Energy and the Divine Son; How the Energy Feels, What it Distributes itself, becomes a Galaxy, a Planet, the Earth Grid and Everything in it; How it Connects to and is Distributed in the Human Energy Field; Merging with the Divine Son to Calibrate Energy Field and Physical Cells
9. (.27) Discussion of Guided Meditation; Q&A about Energetic Makeup of Human Energy Field
Day 3
1. (1.32) Introduction to the Grid System—the Time/Space, Communication, and Transport Grids; How The Grids Construct our Reality; How and Why Earth Locations Support Particular Work at Particular Times for Particular People; How the Different Grids can be Used; How and Why the Human Physical System Matches the Earth Grid System; the Process of Self-Realizing in Typical Evolutionary Setting; the Tampering with and Repair of the Earth Grid
2. (.25) Q&A about the Grid System—the Need to Incarnate to Help Realign the Earth; the Grids of other Planets in our Solar System; Approaches to Aligning the Earth (Creation and Demonstration vs. Negotiation and Persuasion); Discerning the Grids from One Another
3. (.24) Guided Meditation: Experiencing the Configuration of the New Earth Grid; Its Stage of Completion; the Organization and Feeling of the Three Networks together—Communication, Time/Space, and Transport; Experiencing and Aligning the Physical Brain with each of the New Grid Networks; Recalibrating Entire Physical System with the New Earth Grid
4. (1.34) Discussion of Guided Meditation—the Experience of Each Network, Aligning with the New Grid, the Relationship of Zero Points and Gravity to the Grids; How Source Energy is Translated and Distributed by the Grid System to be Experienced by the Planet and our Brains; How and Why the Old Grid was based on the (Finite) Pentagon, and the New Grid is based on (Infinite) Hexagon; the Nature of Dimensions
5. (.40) Q&A: Process of Awakening; Perceiving Subtle Energy; Energy Field Entry Points and Interaction with the Earth Grid; Shifting from Pentagonal to Hexagonal Reality; How and Why the Tampering with the Grid has Resided in Our Cells, How We Heal it Now; Choosing Times and Places to Visit through Transport and Time/Space Grids
6. (.31) Guided Meditation: Experiencing the Pentagonal and Hexagonal Structures of our Energy Fields; Using the Transport Grid System to Experience the Pyramids of Giza (Egypt), Mt. Kailash (Tibet), and the Module Site (Spain); Using the Time/Space Grid System to Experience the Last Supper, the Mayan’s Discovery of 2012, the Moment when the New Earth Grid is Complete, and the Year 2035
7. (.36) Discussion of Guided Meditation
Day 4
1. (1.20) The Purpose & Process of Incarnation; How We Distribute Reassemble our Consciousness; the Purpose of Physical Agreements—Chemical, Electrical, Time/Space, and
Memory Collapse; How We Design the Parameters of our Experience before We Incarnate; the Nature and Purpose of Parallel Aspects; the Creation and Distribution of Parallel Aspects; Reassembling our Parallel Aspects to Awaken, Expand, and Help Raise the Vibration of Earth
2. (.16) Guided Meditation: Experiencing your True Essence and Parallel Aspects in Incarnate and Spirit form—their Locations, Identities, and your Connection to Them
3. (.08) Discussion of Guided Meditation
4. (1.17) Soul Lineage and the Nature and Role Spirit Families; The Circuitry of Spirit Family Energy as it Extends from Source; Distinguishing Communication with Spirit Family vs. Communication with other Beings and the Risks of the Latter; The Difference between Spirit Families and Dispensations; Raising Vibration and Expanding to Spirit Self to Work with Spirit Family
5. (.21) Guided Meditation: Connecting with Your Spirit Family; Accessing the Beam of Your Spirit Family; Communicating with a member of Your Spirit Family within the Earth Plane and at the Galactic Center; Merging with Spirit Family at the Center of the Universe and Receiving a Message from Creator about your Spirit Family
6. (.32) Discussion of Guided Meditation—The Number of Spirit Family, Incarnated Spirited Family
7. (1.21) Conclusion and Q&A: How We now Have a Big Map and will Fill in the Details; The Importance of Connecting every day; How We Come to Experience Emotions as Awakened Beings; How We Create Our Aspects; How Caroline Chose to Work in Current Human Aspect
INVESTMENT: $ 700.00 or € 588.00 add to cart