The energy in the OMnium music selection on this page is offered by Frits Evelein. To purchase a CD or for more information, please click here FRITS * Please allow a few seconds for the entire piece to download prior to listening.
A majestic, rich and deep piece that gradually develops and expands. It holds the energy of the Christ consciousness, its love and its full presence. Every chord is a stream of pure love and Christ presence manifested in your physical space, fully supporting you. Through your intent you can merge with this energy and let it flow through your whole being uplifting you to your utmost potential. By Frits Evelein (7:50)
Soothing calming cleaning and refreshing energy which holds the space. The high sparkling tones clean and refresh your energy fields and the windy tones hold the space for expansion and rejuvenation. The floating tones bring in the quality of Divine Mother energy. The music goes in and through you in a very loving way. By Frits Evelein (5:15)
Calming and soft connective flowing energy that glues and binds. The stretched tones hold the qualities of Divine Mother energy. The music goes in and through you in a very loving way. By Frits Evelein (4:02)
A piece with large and sovereign energy creating the space for the activation of your divine blueprint and physical manifestation. The deep grounding tones hold you in time space manifestation while being calibrated on a universal level. By Frits Evelein (3:46)