SIGN UP for the
March 28-31
The following Audio Files contain a 5-10 minutes "Connecting To Source" exercise for energetic alignment and raising your vibration followed by 45-50 minutes of deep cellular healing, cleansing and reprogramming - using intent, light, sound, divine geometry, and other advanced OMnium healing techniques.
This session is for all forms and stages of connective tissue, muscles and bones disorders. Also in this session: bones supporting the connective tissue, the reproduction organs and discomfort with our physicality.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of connective tissue, muscles and bones discomforts. In this session also: reproductive organs and spine realignment.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
Thi session is for all forms and stages of circulatory system imbalances. Also in this session: clearing the lungs, relationship blocks, relationship with self and Creator.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of connective tissue, muscles and bones disorders.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of diabetes and weight issues. Also in this session: reversing root causes of weight issues and other glandular disorders.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
In this session, we will raise our vibration and open the mind channels to be able to sustain higher frequencies. We will reprogram the brain to open its channles properly to these higher vibrations and become able to tap into the frequency of Source with more ease for the purpose of retrieving higher guidance, receiving faster healings and remembering who you really are.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is to clear toxins from your ears and sinuses. We will also reverse allergies (environmental, food, chemicals) and other types of allergic reactions and sensitivities. It is also recommended for best results to do Part I of this series.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is to help clear the eyes, optical nerves and ducts from toxins and blocked energy. The work will include the reprogramming of your optical cells with healthy energy and will improve your overall vision. On other levels, this healing work will also allow the opening of the 3rd eye and will facilitate subtle energy perception. It is recommended for best results to do Part I & II of this series.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is to help clear the eyes, optical nerves and ducts from toxins and blocked energy. The work will include the reprogramming of your optical cells with healthy energy and will improve your overall vision. On other levels, this healing work will also allow the opening of the 3rd eye and will facilitate subtle energy perception. Part of a series.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
All forms of allergies (food, environmental, chemicals) and other types of allergic reactions and sensitivities will be reversed and reprogrammed in this session.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is to clear toxins from your gum tissue and strengthen your teeth. We will remove toxins from you skin and will also reverse blocks regarding thinning hair, premature balding, graying and all hair growth concerns and problems
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is to help clear the eyes, optical nerves and ducts from toxins and blocked energy. The work will include the reprogramming of your optical cells with healthy energy and will improve your overall vision. On other levels, this healing work will also allow the opening of the 3rd eye and will facilitate subtle energy perception. Part of a series.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session will allow you to clear blocks from your immune system and reverse the root cause of these blocks. We will also address and reverse your self-sabotage and self-destructive tendencies and realign your immune system with the frequency of Source.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session will allow you to clear blocks lodged in your lungs and respiratory system. We will address and reverse the root cause of these blocks and others including your inability to breathe properly and find comfort in the earth plane and atmosphere. We will realign the lungs and respiratory system with the higher vibration of Source.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session will allow you to clear blocks in the sex and reproductive organs. We will address and reverse the root cause of these blocks and other issues such as your perception of your physical body, sexual identity, procreation and the physical form. We will realign your reproductive system with the frequency of Source.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session will allow you to clear blocks lodged in the connective tissue and reverse the root cause of Fibromyalgia, Arthritis and other Connective Tissue pain and imbalances. We will address your connection to the collective consciousness and the earth plane and realign your connective tissue system with the higher vibration of Source.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session will allow you to clear blocks lodged in the pancreas and glandular system. We will address and reverse mental, emotional and energetic blocks regarding self-acceptance, self-love and self-esteem. We will realign your pancreas and glandular system with the higher vibration of Source.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session will allow you to clear blocks in your spine, peripheral and central nervous system. This session is also for all neurological disorders. We will also address and reverse mental, emotional and energetic blocks in the spine and nervous system and realign the nervous system with the vibration of Source.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session will allow you to clear blocks in your physical brain so that you may increase your ability to focus more clearly, retain information efficiently, process information rapidly and maintain a clear and sharp mind. We will also address and reverse mental, emotional and energetic blocks in the brain and realign our mind channels with the vibration of Source.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session will allow you to clear blocks in the liver, stomach and digestive system. We will also address and reverse mental, emotional and energetic blocks in the digestive track such as our emotional response and belief system regarding our physicality and realign our emotions and beliefs with the vibration of Source.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session will allow you to clear blocks in the physical heart and circulatory system. We will also address and reverse mental, emotional and energetic blocks in the heart center such as relationships with others, self and Creator and realign the heart center with the vibration of Source.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of diabetes and weight issues. Also in this session:Glandular imbalances and blood sugar levels.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of neurological disorders. This session is for both the person with the condition as well as their family member who must care for them. We will reverse blocks in the central nervous system, brain and spine.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of kidneys and excretory system disorders. Also in this session: deep cleanse of pharmaceutical toxins in the body and urinary tract.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of liver and digestive system disorders. In this session, clearing deeply rooted blocks in the digestive tract.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of circulatory system imbalances. Also in this sessions, Clearing the blocks in the lungs, relationship with the Earth, Creator, Divine Plan and Earthly purpose.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of diabetes, blood sugar and weight issues. In this session also: pancreas, thyroids and dowloading Christ frequency in the glandular system.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of kidneys and excretory system disorders. Also in this session: transmuting deeply rooted human fears, manifesting the Christ frequency in our body.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of liver and digestive system disorders and imbalances. Also in this session: Reversing blocks related to elimination and clearing unnecessary clocked energy in the digestive system.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of neurological disorders. This session is for both the person with the condition as well as their family member who must care for them. We will reverse the blocks that remain stuck in the nervous system due to neurological imbalances or traumas.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of kidneys and excretory system disorders. Reversal of deeply rooted fears and blocks in the kidneys and excretory system.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of liver and digestive system disorders. Also in this session: reversing deeply rooted anger and resentment.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
Session 102 is for all forms and stages of cancer. This session is for both the person with the condition as well as their family member who must care for them. Session 110 is for all forms and stages of blood and infectious diseases. This session is for both the person with the condition as well as their family member who must care for them.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart
This session is for all forms and stages of circulatory system imbalances and disorders. Also in this session: clearing the lungs and the breathing system.
INVESTMENT: $ 25.00 or € 21.00 add to cart