SIGN UP for the
March 28-31
In this introductory class, we will talk about the purpose and design of the course. We will discuss and EXPERIENCE: The UNIVERSAL ORGANIZATION & Cosmic Map; Where and what "SOURCE" is; The process of original creation; The quality of infinity; The three fundamental forms of energy: Mind, Spirit and Physical; Where does Earth fit within the Multiverse structure? (1 audio + 1 audiovisual file)
INVESTMENT: $ 35.00 or € 30.00 add to cart
In this class 02 of the series, we will discuss and EXPERIENCE: Personalized aspects of CREATOR-SOURCE; The UNIVERSAL MIND & the Cosmic Mind: Energy personalization; Aspects of Source; Can we prove or disprove the existence of a "Creator"?; What is the Universal Father & the Divine Father. PRE-REQUISITES: Class 01 (1 audio + 1 audiovisual file)
INVESTMENT: $ 35.00 or € 30.00 add to cart
In this class 03 of the series, we will discuss and EXPERIENCE: SPIRIT Energy & the UNIVERSAL MOTHER; Qualities, purpose and distribution from Source and into your physical body; PHYSICAL Energy & the UNIVERSAL SON; Qualities, purpose and distribution into the body; Cosmic Gravity and Grid Systems. PRE-REQUISITES: Class 1 and 2. (1 audio + 1 audiovisual files)
INVESTMENT: $ 35.00 or € 30.00 add to cart
In this class 04 of the series, we will discuss and EXPERIENCE: The GRID SYSTEM and Planetary REALITY; Time/Space, Communication and Transport grid systems; The PLANETARY GRID and the Human Physical Systems; The tampering with and repair of the Earth Grid. PRE-REQUISITES: Class 1-3.(1 audio + 1 audiovisual files)
INVESTMENT: $ 35.00 or € 30.00 add to cart
In this class 05 of the series, we will discuss and EXPERIENCE: INCARNATION & PARALLEL ASPECTS; The purpose & process of distributing and reassembling our consciousness; The purpose of physical agreements— chemical, electrical, time/space and memory collapse; The Prenatal Contract; The nature and purpose of parallel aspects and reassembling all our aspects. PRE-REQUISITES: Class 1-4. (1 audio + 1 audiovisual files)
INVESTMENT: $ 35.00 or € 30.00 add to cart