OMnium Universe

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March 28-31

    MASTERING THE HUMAN MIND 2010 - Live Course - Module 4

    Day 1: 8 parts



    Introduction to module 4: Topics to be covered in this module include: Understanding the various beings, masters, teachers in the universe and on Earth; what is the divine plan and how is it unfolding; understanding your contract and earthly purpose.



    GUIDED MEDITATION: Accepting unconditional love in your being and heart; experiencing the energy of the Universal Father.



    Understanding the configurations of the various aspects of the Creator-Source, and the Divine Father of the Local Universe; Explanation on how the aspects of Creator-Source are integrated in the Local Universe through the Divine Father and the integration of the aspects of the Divine Creator within His own Universe;  Creation of Intelligent Life subsequent to the integration of the Divine Creator’s aspects within His Local Universe.



    GUIDED MEDITATION: Experiencing the energy of the Divine Father of the Local Universe, his process of integrating the aspects of Creator-Source and then His own aspects within His own Universe; experiencing the energy of another Divine Father of Local Universe # 3 and the energy of His universe.



    Discussion on the guided meditation, comparing the 2 Divine Fathers from 2 various Local Universe, and the process of integrating the aspects of Creator within a universe.



    Explanation why there are 3 energies and 7 aspects at Creator-Source and in every Divine Creator of the Local Universes and how 3 and 7 still have an infinite number of potential configurations; Description and Explanation on all the various types of Intelligent beings: Gabriel, The Supreme Council, The Divine Son of the 1st Order, 2nd Order, 3rd Order,  Archangel, Universal Messengers, Melchizedecks, Universal Teachers, Galactic Light Beings, Celestial Beings, Power Controllers, Gravity Controllers, Evolutionary Beings; How we can be one type of being and bringing the consciousness of another.  Purpose of the various types of intelligent and the purpose of consciousness expansion.



    GUIDED MEDITATION: Experiencing the various types of beings; Experiencing your own type of being, the energy you are bringing through and the energy that is now guiding you.



    Discussion on the guided mediation; Participants share their experiences: Explanation on the mass of consciousness and the ability to bring another consciousness’s energy; Understanding the mass consciousness size and the level of awakening; When are we fully awakened?

    DAY 2: 6 parts



    The Human Mind and letting go of the human drama;  Levels of awakening; Explanation of the various incarnations of the Divine Father as his own created species, process and purpose of His various incarnations;  Explanation of the Divine Son 1 and the purpose of His incarnations;  Explanation of the Divine Principles: Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotent, Love, Truth, Beauty, Goodness; The incarnation multi-dimensional timetable; planning and creating your own incarnation; Focusing on the principles you bring rather than the type of being that you are.



    GUIDED MEDITATION: Experiencing the various divine principles at Source and the principles you are bringing in this current incarnation; experiencing the multi-dimensional time table that fits with your incarnation; Integrating once more the information regarding your incarnation into your human body at birth and through your current life; Speeding the process of remembrance and awakening to your divine work and purpose.



    Participants share their experience about the guided meditation;

    Bringing the divine principles through reflectivity, process of carrying and embodiment: process and purpose.



    Introduction to and setting intent for the guided meditation.



    GUIDED MEDITATION: Experiencing the consciousness of a Divine Master currently alive on the Earth today or past; experiencing the consciousness of the human Jesus to clarify the truth behind his being: his level of awakening throughout his life; his true earthly purpose; his awareness of his own “fate”; the truth behind the crucifixion; your individual connection to the human Jesus; releasing all blocks connected to this lifetime.



    Discussion on the guided meditation: participants share their individual perceptions regarding the guided meditation.


    DAY 3: 5 parts



    Keeping the vision, the energy and the focus on the Divine; Explanation of the Divine Plan that maintains Creation in existence; The Divine Plan in terms of a unique dispensation organized for a specific purpose; The current Divine Plan: for a consciousness that cannot repair itself, the origin of separation and isolated; how is the DP organized, timing, unfolding, implementation, individual beings involved in the unique Dispensation of the DP, their energetic role in the DP and their 3D work / contract.



    GUIDED MEDITATION: Practicing reflecting, carrying and embodying the consciousness of Gabriel; Experiencing the divine order / organization through the consciousness of Gabriel; Brief comments by participants about their experience.



    How did the Divine Plan for Earth got created, started; Main objectives and mechanics of the DP; Recognizing your divine work through the DP; Process of arrival of the beings involved in the DP.



    GUIDED MEDITATION: Experiencing the process of implanting the Creator Consciousness in the body of Jesus, 12 beings, then 110, beings, then 1100 until the year 2225.



    Participants share their experiences about the guided meditation; Divine Mother energy in one being and other beings.


    DAY 4: 6 Parts



    Feeling energy of love; Timing of the implanting of Creator Consciousness;  Creation and free will; Meaning of numbers 3, 7, 12 in universal multi-dimensional mathematics; Working with Gabriel; Can anyone create a universe and become a Divine Father & the purpose of Creation; Understanding how a government model can be created on a planet in alignment with a divine government; How do we repair reality and consciousness on Earth.



    GUIDED MEDITATION: Experiencing Caroline’s consciousness.



    Participants share their experiences of the meditation.



    The Universal Government on Earth; Introduction to Meditation



    GUIDED MEDITATION: The Universal Government; The First Temple.



    Discussion of Meditation; Conclusion.


    INVESTMENT: $ 700.00 or € 588.00 add to cart
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